Amanda Stafford is a sophomore at Southwest Minnesota State University. She is studying Agricultural Education and minoring in Agribusiness and Agronomy. Originally from the small community of Columbus, MN, Amanda has made her home-away from here in Marshall. She is highly active on campus is members of Newman Club, Ag Club. Post-secondary Agricultural Students, EMSP, NSLS, and Residence Hall Association. She even serves as chapter executive board for a few of these clubs in addition to Minnesota PAS Secretary.
In professional writing communication happens in many ways, one way is email. Below is a sample email on to a professor. Keeping in mind familiarity and seniority of the professor, here is an example. From: <Amanda Stafford> To: <Lee French> Subject: AGRO 132: Absence 9/21 Good morning Professor French, My name is Amanda Stafford. I am currently in your Thursday 3pm Crop Production Lab. I am emailing you because I will unfortunately be out of class Thursday, September 21st for the SMSU Ag Advisory Meeting. Is it acceptable to miss lab for this? Additionally, would attending your Tuesday morning lab be welcomed to make up Thursday's lab? Sorry for the inconvenience and I appreciate your guidance, thank you! Sincerely, Amanda Stafford
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